Terms of Service
Please note that by accessing, using or browsing this website you agree to be bound by its terms and disclaimers (“Terms of Service”). Willoughby Wildcats reserves the right to amend or update such terms and disclaimers at any time without providing notice to you. By using the website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms of Service.
The information contained on the website is provided by Willoughby Wildcats in good faith. To the best of Willoughby Wildcats knowledge, the information is accurate and current. However, Willoughby Wildcats and it’s related volunteers or consultants do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.
We have done our best to display as accurately as possible the colours of the items shown on the website. However, because the colours you see will depend on your monitor, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any colour will be accurate.
Prices of goods, services, delivery and other charges displayed on the Willoughby Wildcats shop are current at the time of display. These prices are subject to variation without notice.
You agree to provide Willoughby Wildcats with current, complete and accurate customer information. Willoughby Wildcats reserves the right to decline any sales where customer details provided are not deemed to be valid or correct.
You have the option to create your own customer account with Willoughby Wildcats when you checkout. If you think you’ll be a returning customer, it is a good idea to create an account so that your address(es) will be pre-filled for you on future trips. You can also keep track of past orders this way. Of course, it is completely optional and you may remove your account at any time. Your personal information is securely stored for your own use. We will only keep in touch should you choose to join our mailing list.
Customer accounts are non-transferable. You may update, edit or terminate your account at any time. You agree to maintain and update the information as supplied by yourself to ensure accuracy at all times.