The longest ever pre-season is about to come to an end with Round 1 finally here. 

As we all know, to minimise the risk of further disruptions to the season we need to do all we can to stay COVID-Safe.

On Thursday 16 July, NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant wrote to community sports organisations directing them to exclude participants if they have visited Victoria in the 14 days prior to that date or have attended any reported case locations in NSW during the dates and times identified by health authorities.
The reported case locations in NSW and the identified dates and times are published and updated here:https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/latest-news-and-updates

Dr Chant also directed community sports organisations to take steps to minimise the number of spectators attending community sports events. To comply with this direction, the AFL has determined that only one parent/carer per player should attend matches and training sessions.

On Friday 17 July the AFL sent an email to the nominated email address for all registered Auskickers and junior/youth players in Sydney providing this updated advice. The AFL has also directed all Clubs to reinforce this advice and communicate it once more to parents, and we are doing that here.

So, in addition to the existing hygiene and social distancing protocols that we have been communicating in recent weeks and which can be found at www.aflnswact.com.au/return-to-play, please be advised of and comply with the following directions:

1. Anybody who has visited Victoria since Thursday 2 July or has attended any reported case location in NSW during the dates and times identified are to stay away from all training sessions and matches and to follow the appropriate NSW Health advice.2. Only one parent/carer per player should attend matches and training sessions. The advice is: “Arrive, Play, Leave”.

And please remember snd observe the other rules: wash or sanitise hands regularly, do not share drinks or food, maintain social distancing, avoid non-essential contact, and stay away if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns you can contact me on 0416 721 173 or at secretary.wildcatsafl@gmail.com
Brian Jackson
Wildcats COVID Safety Officer